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Showing posts from November, 2013

Poem(s)! I'm Nobody! & Richard Cory

Hello everybody! It's been awhile since I've last touch this blog. Maybe 2 or 3 days awhile. Anyway, As the title states, I will share with you guys a poem that I found in the internet which I had to compare it to Emily Dickinson's work " I'm Nobody " for my previous poem recital. I actually tried to trace who wrote " Richard Cory " and even visited the library to search for the poem to find out who is(was) the poet but I guess this is probably a piece written by a student. I did however tried to recall again who wrote it, to avoid any copyright issue, but it seems I just forgot all about it. Thanks for the piece " Richard Cory " whoever the poet is! First off, I will let you guys read Emily's work first then compare it with " Richard Cory ". Updated! The writer/poet of " Richard Cory " is E.A. Robinson! ( 28/11/13 ) I’m Nobody! Who Are You? I’m nobody! Who are you? Are you nobody, too? Then ...

Story: Dean and the Bird (Week 4)

The boy before heading to the kitchen, converse with the bird. "So you see," the bird said, "we have a common myth. Your mind contains many familiar myth symbols. Odysseus to me is by far the most interesting to me…" The boy took a seat on a barrel, postponing heading to the kitchen and sat silently, staring at the bird on his shoulder. "Go on," he said. "Please go on." "I find in your Odysseus a figure common to the mythology of most self-conscious races on this earthly plain. As I interpret it, Odysseus wanders as an individual, aware of himself as such. This is the idea of separation, of separation from family and country. The process of individuation is it not?" "But Odysseus returns to his home." The boy said looking at a hole at the bottom of the gangplank into the blue wide ocean. "He finally he goes home." "As must all creatures. The moment of separation is a temporary period...

Story: Dean and the Bird (Week 3)

The bird eased itself and stood on a cabinet in the corner of the captain’s private room with a sigh. "You must forgive me," it said. "I'm afraid I'm addicted to various forms of relaxation. When one is as old as I…" The Captain nodded impatiently. He sat down at his desk and folded his hands. "All right," he said. "Let's get started. You're a bird, and not a demon? Is that correct?" The bird shrugged. "I suppose so. That's what you would call us, the natives used different language but I guess “bird” would be the same exact term. I mean, my kind, we have our own term." "You speak the natives’ tongue? And how do you speak English? You've been in contact with Englishmen before?" "Our kind have been in contact with all vary type of humans before sir, but this is my first time in contact with an Englishman." "Then how do you do it?" "Speak English...