The bird eased itself and stood
on a cabinet in the corner of the captain’s private room with a sigh. "You
must forgive me," it said. "I'm afraid I'm addicted to various forms
of relaxation. When one is as old as I…"
The Captain nodded impatiently.
He sat down at his desk and folded his
"All right," he said.
"Let's get started. You're a bird, and not a demon? Is that correct?"
The bird shrugged. "I
suppose so. That's what you would call us, the natives used different language
but I guess “bird” would be the same exact term. I mean, my kind, we have our
own term."
"You speak the natives’
tongue? And how do you speak English? You've been in contact with Englishmen
"Our kind have been in
contact with all vary type of humans before sir, but this is my first time in
contact with an Englishman."
"Then how do you do
"Speak English or the
natives’ language? Am I speaking English? I'm not conscious of speaking anything
in particular. I examined your mind…"
"My mind?"
"I studied the contents, especially
the memory house, as I refer to it…"
"I see," the Captain
said, trying to give a threshold in this conversation.
"We are a very old
race," the bird said. "We are very old and very small. It is easy for
us to move around but when you are small you are at the mercy of larger life
forms such as yourself. There is no use in our relying on physical defenses.
How could we win? So we fly away, because we are too soft to fight, but in
order to survive one must learn to hunt game, yes captain?"
"So, how do you hunt your
"There are plants and vegetables
around. But if we are lucky enough, the game would come to us instead. We can
eat almost anything. We're very flexible. We are tolerant, varied, and most of
all we understand human desires. We live and let live. That's how our kind and
your kind have live along side captain."
The bird eyed the Captain.
"And that's why I so
violently objected to this business about having me
boiled. Our kind has been living
together since the beginning of time, eating me would cause an imbalance. And I
could see the image in your mind, my meat on plate, and you gobble and chew on
"So? You can read minds, and
you say our kind have live alongside? But this is the first I’ve seen your
kind." the Captain said. "And you say you can read mind. How
interesting. Anything else? I mean, what else can you do along those
"Our kind takes shape
differently in different parts of the world, and my talents? A few odds and
ends," the bird said absently, staring around the room. "A nice house
you have here, Captain. You keep it quite neat. I
respect life-forms that are tidy.
Some goats are quite tidy too."
"Indeed." The Captain
nodded. "But to get back to the problem--"
"Quite so. You spoke of
dining on me. The taste, I am told, is good. A
little fatty, but tender. But how
can any lasting contact be established
between your people and mine if
you resort to such barbaric attitudes?
Eat me? Rather you should discuss
questions with me, philosophy, the
The Captain stood up.
"Philosophy? Here’s a philosophy for you little birdy, I’m a pirate, a
hungry one in fact. And in need to taste a rare kind of meat.”
"I know." The bird
nodded. "But wouldn't it be more in accord with your
principles of democracy if we all
drew straws, or something along that
line? After all you are a pirate,
and pirates practice democracy and democracy is to protect the minority from
just such infringements. Now, if each of us casts one vote…"
The Captain walked to the door.
"To hell with this," he
said. He opened the door. He looked at the boy and instruct the boy to take the
bird to the cook and prepare for it to be boiled.
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