Act 5 Dean instructed his men to take out the eyes of the sirens that they managed to kill. When the men took out the sirens’ eyes, it turned into bright sapphires. These are the brightest and purest sapphires that the pirates had ever seen in their lives. Once everything was settled, the fallen and the dead bodies of the sirens were thrown out to sea. Locke thanked the captain for the treasure they had gathered from the dead sirens. “To think you sell our souls captain,” Locke joked. “I know you wouldn’t sell the ship and us to that wicked creature.” “Oh, but I did Locke. I do not like to owe anyone anything. That ritual with the contract is no trick or hoax. I paid my debt to her. By right, you and the crew’s souls and this very ship belongs to the dead siren, Arphin. Too bad she isn’t alive to enjoy it, isn’t she?” “Yeah, too bad,” Locke slowly walked away, being confused. Patrick came to the captain, with questions in his thought. He hesitated on asking anyt...
The Art of Love Society. I write poems for one person.