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Sex, Guns and Words: ELEVEN

In Malacca, it was a hot day; as a result, it was sticky and unpleasant for Roccha’s skin. He walks into Jonker Street with his bass guitar case where he enters a Chinese restaurant which sells surprisingly good rice balls. He checks his surroundings before making his way in. He needs to be sure of every possible outcome and to make sure he knows where his exits are.
He takes a sit near at the end of the restaurant where he notices one of the kids is having a hard time picking up the rice ball with his chop sticks. He looks through the menu as a man with shades enters the restaurant and calmly walks towards where Roccha is. He pulls the chair before he takes a sit.
Roccha utters, “Took you long enough.”
“I was held up. I have to entertain a vixen before I could leave her humble but messy abode.” said the Rat, a scrawny and pale looking man.
Roccha calls the waitress before replying the Rat, “I’ll have this please.” The waitress seems fascinated by Roccha’s presence, he then says,
“Would you love to take a picture? It’ll last longer.”
The waitress then giggles and smiles as she takes his order and leave. She however ignores the Rat’s presence.
“I was going to order something….” said the Rat.
“Order again once she comes around.”
“Screw you. She’s only into you.” added the Rat.
“Nothing wrong with that.”
Roccha notices how petite she was and has an amazing curve line. Her bosoms are also a sight of spectacle, considering how well it has grown to a significant and sexually attractive size.
The Rat takes out a folder with the front cover titled ‘CONFIDENTIAL’. Roccha knows what is in store for him when he opens the folder but nonetheless he calmly opens it. He is surprised to see what his next mission would be.
“You’re kidding me. right? Him? You gotta be kidding me.” said Roccha.
The Rat is confused as to what is going on and asked, “Why? Do you know this agent?”
“You could say so.” Roccha replied.
Roccha’s lunch has finally showed up and to his surprise the same waitress delivered it to him. She added something on the side. A folded paper. Roccha turns his attention to the folded paper and opens it.
He smiles.
The waitress turns her back and is expecting an answer from him. Roccha looks at her and nods; as a result, she walks with a jolly and lustful look on her face.
“What the fuck happened?” asked the Rat.
“You wouldn’t know.” Roccha replied.
The Rat displeased with the answer takes off and says, “Report in once you’re good to go.”
“Oh that I will.”
As day turns to night, the mysteries of the darkness loom around the streets of Malacca. Roccha is standing by the bridge waiting for someone as he texts someone on his phone. He still carries his bass guitar case. He seems to have a strong bond with it.
Not too long after, a petite silhouette walks towards him. The silhouette breathes out and the cold air was visible as it continues walking towards Roccha.
“Took you long enough.”
It was the same waitress who had served him earlier on who showed up.
“How do I address you again?” Roccha asked.
“You can call me Melissa.”
“Since you were fascinated by looking at my face, you didn’t get to ask my name did you now? I’m Roccha.”
“Roccha? Like rocker? Are you in a band or something?” she asked because she was curious about his guitar case.
“Sorta.” he replied.

She takes the initiative holds his hand as they make their way into the cold and mysterious darkness which is mostly identified by the general public as the night.


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